AIDS and HIV are two or more associated diseases. HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus and  we know that AIDS is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV travels through blood. Can be transmitted from an infected person to their partner during sex.
You can also pass in the infected mother to her child via infected breast milk and even an infected syringe or other equipment that come into contact with the blood of HIV positive status person to any other person being treated with these devices.
 The AIDS symptoms of the immune system is weakened and susceptible to infections than usual. HIV therefore causes AIDS. when the HIV patient acquires a particular disease as an indication of weakened immune system turning to AIDS. They are treated for the particular disease since AIDS has no cure.There are however anti retroviral to lower their HIV virus load in the body.

Immediately following infection with HIV, most individuals develop a brief, nonspecific ?viral illness? consisting of low grade fever, rash, muscle aches, headache and/or fatigue. Like any other viral illness, these symptoms resolve over a period of five to 10 days. Then for a period of several years (sometimes as long as several decades), people infected with HIV are asymptomatic (no symptoms). However, their immune system is gradually being destroyed by the virus. When this destruction has progressed to a critical point, symptoms of AIDS appear. These symptoms are as follows:

  • extreme fatigue
  • rapid weight loss from an unknown cause (more than 10 lbs. in two months for no reason)
  • appearance of swollen or tender glands in the neck, armpits or groin, for no apparent reason, lasting for more than four weeks
  • unexplained shortness of breath, frequently accompanied by a dry cough, not due to allergies or smoking
  • persistent diarrhea
  • intermittent high fever or soaking night sweats of unknown origin
  • a marked change in an illness pattern, either in frequency, severity, or length of sickness
  • appearance of one or more purple spots on the surface of the skin, inside the mouth, anus or nasal passages
  • whitish coating on the tongue, throat or vagina
  • forgetfulness, confusion and other signs of mental deterioration

It can take as short as a year to as long as 10 to 15 years to go from being infected with HIV to "full-blown" AIDS.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a person is considered to have AIDS when they have a T cell count (also called CD4 cell count) of 200 or less (healthy T cell levels range from 500 to 1500) or they have an AIDS-defining condition. Not everyone who has been infected with HIV develops AIDS. Very rarely, some individuals can be infected with HIV yet maintain normal immune function and general good health even after 20 years of infection.

Diagnosis of AIDS and HIV Infection

Screening for HIV infection is most commonly done by testing blood for HIV antibodies.

Treatment of AIDS and HIV Infection

Anti-HIV (also called antiretroviral) medications are used to control the reproduction of the virus and to slow or halt the progression of HIV-related disease. When used in combinations, these medications are termed Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). HAART combines three or more anti-HIV medications in a daily regimen, sometimes referred to as a "cocktail". Anti-HIV medications do not cure HIV infection and individuals taking these medications can still transmit HIV to others.

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