Woman Safe and Unsafe days for Sex or Pregnancy

Well, are you trying to prevent or make pregnancy? Having sex intercourse during a fertile day does not always produce a pregnancy, which also depends on the viability of the sperm and woman egg, the receptivity of the uterus and other factors that vary widely among couples.

As far as a cycle goes, ovulation is supposed to occur approximately 2 weeks after the menstrual cycle. A menstrual cycle is about 1 week long so you would assume that ovulation occurs another week after that. Keep in mind that every woman's cycle is different; most of us have our periods every 28 - 32days
The fertile time is roughly 7 days before ovulation, the day of ovulation and 3 days after; this is therefore one-third of your whole cycle
Generally speaking (because none of this is 100%) the week before and the first few days of your cycle should be safest

It's therefore considered safe to have unprotected sex during menstruation and a few days after it, before noting fertile cervical mucus which are clear, It is also safe 2-3 days after ovulation, when mucus decreases in volume and becomes cloudy and tacky. As explained below:

Early in your monthly cycle, several days AFTER women period ends, estrogen (female hormone) levels rise which triggers the release of a cervical mucous (vaginal discharge). Throughout our cycle, this mucus increases in volume, changes from clear to a milky white as well as changes in texture. You ARE most fertile, when your mucus/virginal discharge is clear, slippery, and stretchy - this mucus resembles raw egg whites. In other words you are ovulating and most likely would get pregnant. You see it is this clear mucus/vaginal discharge that allow the sperm to enter the uterus and swim toward the fallopian tubes in search of an egg to fertilize. Woman periods arrive to shed the unfertilized egg and uterine lining/blood. Periods allow woman body to shed the lining of the uterus (what is seen as blood/woman period).
Woman body/uterus did not need the nutrients/blood that lined the uterus because no egg was fertilized therefore their body rids itself of the egg's home(ovary). After ovulation there is an increase in progesterone (another hormone) which makes our virginal mucus/vaginal discharge scant in supply, and the mucus changes from clear to a milky white appearance, the discharge is also thicker with a pasty feel. This type of mucus/vaginal discharge blocks the sperm's path through the cervix to the fallopian tubes. Knowing all of this information and if vigilant practiced the mucus method of monitoring the most fertile time of the month is only about 85% effective to prevent a pregnancy. Use of condoms and other contraceptives can prevent pregnancy too.

Incase of accidents; see your doctor for emergency pills/morning after. Good luck!

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